Let’s face it ladies, try as you may, some days you just can’t make it to the gym. For those days, it’s nice to have some options to workout from home and that’s where the convenience of a dvd comes in. There are dozens and dozens of fitness dvd’s around, but I have a few favorites. At the top of my list– Tracy Anderson.
In another life, I danced professionally for a few years. I loved dance for so many reasons, but my body also loved it and it still craves it. That’s where Tracy Anderson’s workouts can fill a little bit of the void.
This petite powerhouse is responsible for the rocking body that is Gwyneth Paltrow (hello Iron Man 3!) and while I was skeptical at first, I now love Tracy Anderson. The days following her workouts, I am sore in places I didn’t even know I had muscles. Her philosophy is that women should have slender, long, sculpted muscles, just like dancers.
These videos are best done alone. A bit of a warning, you will likely feel like a fool your first (or even 10th) time but I’m tellin’ ya’ll, you’ll feel the magic the next morning when your inner muscles are aching. Her pregnancy series and post pregnancy videos were a favorite of mine post Ruby. And I think they make a perfect gift for a mama to be!
One thing that drove me crazy about a couple of the videos– the timing of her moves didn’t match up with the music. The music had been laid down in editing, over her dancing. The dancer in me was screaming inside a bit. It’s not every video, just some of her early workouts. I think by her second recording she realized that was bad editing.
So, go on, scoot that couch over and make room for some moving and shakin’ and hot body makin’!
My Tracy Anderson faves:
Enjoy and happy Friday!
Any type of exercise is better than being sedentary on the couch; however, I disagree with Tracy Anderson’s philosophy which you summed up: “Her philosophy is that women should have slender, sculpted muscles, not bulky, overly-bulit bodies, just like dancers.” I think your body type (DNA and genes) dictates whether you are slenderly built or not — not the type of exercise. Using heavy weights is NOT something to be afraid of. I can say I proudly use 25-lb weights and can squat 135 lbs, and I am not “bulky” or “overly built”. 🙂
Hi Harper! Thanks so much for your feedback! I like lifting weights occasionally but I also come from a dance background and like the way my body looks better when I’m lengthening my muscles rather than lifting heavy weight. Every body is so different though and I have friends who look amazing and rock the weight room!
I love Tracy Anderson. I first started her program a few years ago and I could really see results fast. It is tough but so worth it!