I think every parent has dreams for their child. Hopes and prayers for happiness, success, love, and joy. And every mother has things they hope their little one will always remember. No matter what hardships and heartaches they face, which they surely will, that they will never forget their true worth.
I have these hopes for my Ruby. I want her to know she is good. So good. That she deserves happiness. That she is bright, and joyful, and can do hard things. No matter what people may say or do to discourage her, I want her to know deep down that she can accomplish anything. I want her to make good choices, stay in the bright, sunny, pure places where true happiness lives. I want her to be kind, even when others are not. Because she is all of those things now. Her strong spirit is untampered by all the bad this world can sometimes be. I want her to always know my love for her is unconditional, in spite of mistakes she will make. And if she ever doubts how truly precious she is, I hope my words will remind her that she is a choice soul with wonderful adventures ahead. She just needs to take the first step in the right direction.
I teamed up with dear Susan Peterson from Freshly Picked (I know you know and love her most adorable baby moccs!) to share a little video about the sweetness of toddler-hood and the dreams we have for our little ones. James and I wanted to capture the wonder of this stage of life, through words and video. I hope you love it. And more importantly, I hope my Ruby cherishes it as she gets older.
And those moccs Ruby and her friends are wearing? They could be yours! Susan is giving away a pair to one lucky withHEART reader/viewer.
To enter:
1) Subscribe to withHEART on YouTube
2. Leave a comment here telling me your wishes for your little ones.
Additional entries:
1) Follow withHEART on Instagram
2) Post a photo on Instagram of you/your littles with the hashtag #whatihopetheyalwaysknow and tell me what you want your children to always remember (also hashtag #withheart)
Thanks to our child stars, James’ little boy, Jacob, and Veronica’s little boy, Jack. Ruby is quite smitten with those two handsome studs!
This kicks of a new series for withHEART. I can’t wait to share more mothers’ hopes and dreams.
Until then…
Videography/Editing/Photos: James Young
I subscribe to your YouTube channel (Jodi Brown)
I want my son to be exactly what he wants to be. We have 3 doctors in the family, his daddy included and I don’t want him to feel pressured in becoming one as well. I want him to shine in whatever he chooses!
I follow you on Instagram as well (@jodibrown)
I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
I’m a follower on Instagram. (starrbie13)
I want my kids to know they’re loved by their family unconditionally. I want them to always feel safe and protected when they come home after being at school, friends’ houses, and work.
I subscribed to your YT channel. And I follow on Instagram!
Loved the video. I hope my children always know Christ’s love for them.
I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
I follow you on Instagram (@swtgrl1231).
I want my girls to remember that we will always love and support them no matter what. That their dad and I are their biggest fans. They are each amazing in their own way.
I subscribed to your YouTube channel
I follow you on instagram (KamiWalker00)
I loved this post and that video is priceless. I would like to second the part you said about always being kind when others are not, such great advice and so needed in this world we live in. I also hope my little Max always knows that he is my life’s greatest blessing, he is my miracle, and I there is nothing he could do or say to make me love him any less.
I subscribed to the Youtube channel and follow you on instagram.
Love this blog! Where do you get Ruby’s cute headbands? I love how cute and dainty they are!
Thanks much,
Thank you so much, Andrea! Believe it or not, the one she is wearing I got at Target! I’m always on the lookout for sweet, simple, delicate headbands! Target has a good selection right now. Good luck!
I have four children that I love and adore. They are all so very different in their likes/dislikes, temperament and characteristics. Sometimes these differences require more patience and love than I thought possible, but more often than not these differences bring happiness to our lives in ways I never imagined.
Sometimes they ask me which one is my favorite, and I respond the way my grandmother used to, “My favorite is which ever one needs me the most at the time.” I hope they always know that I love them for their strengths and their weaknesses. I hope they always know I will always be there for them and I pray they always know they are good enough just the way they are.
p.s. follow you on instagram and subscribe to youtube channel. my instagram username is butterston
I subscribed to your Youtube Channel and I’m a follower via Instagram (I posted my pic and the appropriate #’s). I want Sophia to know that her father and I will support her through all her ventures (good ones and no- so good ones) with the hopes she’ll ask for some guidance along the way. We will provide her with the love and support she needs to be successful and no matter what, she is loved to the moon and back!
I subscribe to your YouTube channel (corinnandolo@gmail.com)
I follow instagram (ccndolo)
I hope my daughter always knows that no matter what choices she makes as she grows, or what mistakes there’s nothing (Nothing!) she could do to make me change my love for her.
Following on IG
Subscribed to YouTube
My wish for my son, Dawson, is that he will discover and pursue his passions in life. I can only pray that those passions teach him life-long lessons along the way: dignity and pride associated with hard work, the honesty in a tear, and a sense of humor is one accessory that never goes out of style. I wish, above all, that he never, for one second, questions his parents love for him.
I already follow you on Instagram and I subscriped to your Youtube account.
How do you put into a few words what you wish for your kids. My wish is that they will always know how much we love them and how much their Heavenly Father loves them. I hope they know they can do anything and be anything that they want to be. I hope they know that they can have big dreams as long as they work hard to reach them they can come true. I hope they will know that we are here for them whenever they need us. I hope they are honest and kind and giving to others. The list could go on and on but these are a few of my thoughts.
My infinite love for them. That there is so much good in the world that they may contribute to.
Subscribed on YouTube and follow on Instagram! Thank you!!
Great post Jen! I wish my girls will always know that they have the ability to accomplish hard things if they focus on their strengths and use them for positive. I hope they know that they have fiery spirits that they can use to help ignite others around them for good. They’re sassy little buggers!
I hope my girls know that there is a world of fun, excitement and wonder, and it’s all at their fingertips! There is joy in every turn and more love than they’ll ever know. They are here to make this world a better place. They are to be gracious and kind and lovely. And we will love them, enjoy them and squeeze them forever!
I absolutely LOVE this post! This is the sweetest, most heartwarming, thoughtful post. I love empowering little ones…they all have so much potential and so much hope for their future! I hope they realize their potential – that they can be a force for good! To never settle and never have any regrets!
Subscribed to your YouTube Channel: Callie Cockrell
Great giveaway! Love those mocs!
Following you on IG! (@calliebowers)
I subscribed on youtube and I follow on instagram. My instagram is private but I always want my kids to know that the scariest things in life are usually the best things!
I hope they always know how to work har. I am and always have been a firm believer that hard work can ge you through anything! It’s hard to work hard and most of the time not fun but the out come of hard work is never disappointing ! Work hard my littles!
[…] but mostly things I hope she will always remember. I shared one of those letters– a little poem turned video– recently, and now, I’m excited to launch a new series highlighting other […]