It’s happening– this week my baby girl turns the big 2! I can’t believe it’s almost here. I feel like I was just pregnant and I blinked and now she’s a teenager. Ok, not quite, but still. How did this happen so quickly?
Over the weekend we hosted a party for our family, friends, and Ruby’s crew. The weather was almost perfect, but we had a few wind gusts that were a tad on the annoying side. This week I’m sharing all of the details, but before I launch into it all, I wanted to share Ruby’s first birthday, and also the inspiration behind this year’s shindig.
Last year, I had planned a birthday brunch. Everything was designed around our backyard but the weather is a little unpredictable this time of year in Utah and it rained on the day of the party. It was kind of a bummer, but we made the most of it and set up Ruby’s Bunting Birthday Brunch indoors and it was still lovely. Here is a look back:
It was such a special day. You can read more of the party details from last year here.
This year, the party planning was much different. Instead of a party mostly for adults to enjoy, as my one-year-old wasn’t nearly as mobile and was content to let everyone hold her, this year’s party was active!
Ruby is at such a fun age. She is so busy, and curious, and loves to run and play. Because her birthday is all about her, I wanted the party to be filled with all of her favorite things. Near the top of her list is the beautiful teepee my mother-in-law made for her for Christmas. It’s Ruby’s favorite place to hide, read stories, and play with friends. That gave me the idea of putting together a 2nd Birthday Pow Wow.
About a month ago I started gathering inspiration on Pinterest. My, there are so many creative people out there! 2 is a bit of a tough age for activities. Getting toddlers to participate in an organized activity is kind of like herding cats, but it couldn’t have turned out better. No tears were shed by any little indians!
Tomorrow I’m sharing how I made the invitations. It’s my new favorite way to make invites. So easy and inexpensive and I think they turned out pretty cute!
Happy birthday week, my Ruby Sue!