


March 20, 2013

Two dark haired sisters, with big dreams for the future. Now they are all grown up and living in different countries. But even though they’re not together doesn’t mean their bond is any less strong. Meet Sarah and Farrah Awan.

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Sarah sent me her SISTER ACT as a tribute to her little sister, Farrah.  Sarah is studying law in England; Farrah is studying to become a dentist in Ireland.  Kicking off your submissions,  their sweet story.

Though the distance is a challenge, they work hard to keep their relationship strong.

“Our biggest hobby at the moment is keeping in touch,” Sarah said.  “We send each other pictures of our meals, our daily outfits, and just our daily views so we never feel disconnected.”

1) What is the best part about having a sister?

Knowing that no matter who comes in or out of your life, you have a partner and best friend. Farrah really is the person that I lean on most, I can tell her anything and I know she always has my back; not to mention we laugh constantly.

2)   What is the worst part?

The only bad part about having a sister is when there is only one bathroom. I’ve eaten my fair amount of hairspray!

 3) Qualities you most love about your sister?

Besides being the most stunning girl ever, Farrah is truly the best person I know, she is helpful to a fault and would literally do anything for anybody. She is so accomplished in her own right and she uses what she has done to help others. She is really outgoing too, I really admire that about her because I’m shyer but together we really balance each other out. She is also very organized, which comes in handy as there is always that closet to strive towards!

4)   Is there ever any sister drama?

Of course there is sister drama! When you have someone in your life that always wants the best for you, they push you. Occasionally that causes friction- and we have been known to chase each other around the house, although I’m not quite sure what would happen if we actually caught each other!

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5)   Tell me a cherished memory of your sister.

I’m the older sister, and when we were little she would run off if we were out (never out of sight) but I was so afraid that we would lose her that my parents used to fasten us together with Velcro arm bands meant for parents. I guess I needed that peace of mind that we would be together forever!

There are so many memories; we’ve shared our lives together. But I suppose most recently was when she got accepted into Dentistry school. It was bittersweet because I knew that we would spending time apart but we all just cried with excitement. Thank goodness for Facetime, some nights we just have each other there on our computer screens as we both study and plan our next adventure.

6)   Hilarious quality about her.

The funniest quality about my sister is how she takes cleanliness and organization to the next level- my mum and I will just sit and watch her clean because she is so intense about it, we just laugh and laugh (she even has a little cleaning outfit). And, I hate to admit it, but when I moved to England my sister prepared all of my proper paperwork complete with sticky notes telling me what goes where- I couldn’t live without her!

7) A personal message for your sister…

For Farrah,

I love you more than I can even begin to articulate. I am so grateful that we are as close as we are. Your accomplishments know no bounds and I am so excited to watch you take on life as the beautiful woman that you have become.

 Another sister post coming up tomorrow!


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  1. Farrah Awan says:

    In the middle of finals, Sarah facetimed me and we had our usual blog-chat-study break-date. It wasn’t until I went to my favorite blog ‘withheart.com’ that I realized Sarah had been scheming to have me stumble upon her submission. I was shocked and thrilled at the same time. I had no idea Sarah had done this, and I am so beyond grateful that you decided to have us on your blog. In between squeals of laughter, tears and shock, I want Sarah to know that I love her with everything that I am and that there is no greater happiness than being her baby sister.


  2. So sweet. Love sisters response comment.

  3. Shannon Read says:

    Love these two sisters! Beautiful girls with big hearts, just like their wonderful Mum, Margaret. Seeing that pic of Farrah as a toddler brings back so many memories, and reminds me why Sarah would have thought to velcro her to keep in contact…she was always on the go and looking for adventure! XOXO

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