


June 9, 2014

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was quite lovely indeed.  Saturday Jon and I attended the most delightful dinner party in Daybreak (a gorgeous planned community here in Utah), and I was able to spend time catching up with a dear friend from college, Kelsey Nixon.  So fun reminiscing about our BYU and NYC intern days.

I’m working with Daybreak on a really neat upcoming project, along with a few other really talented blogger/designers.  Can’t wait to spill the beans on the whole thing this Wednesday.  It’s been such a fun experience.

Ok, on to today’s project: our repurposed outdoor lights.

Something needed to be done with the lanterns on the front of our house.  I liked the idea of them– large, classically shaped lanterns– but something was just off.  I played with the idea of just replacing them completely, but I thought they would look like new with a good old fashioned coat of spray paint.

I had just finished switching things up with our front door, so I wanted to keep the rich brown/gray theme going with the lights.  First things first– I removed the glass and gave them a good cleaning with some soapy water.  Man, they were dirty.  Even when they were clean, they still looked dirty with that weird faux worn finish.

I then taped off the wiring ends and started spraying.  I used Rust-Oleum Oil Rubbed Bronze.

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Two full coats, with drying time in between, and these babies were like different lights!  I love when the solution is both quick and cheap.  There should be a song about that…

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And in the middle of my documenting our newly painted lights, these two popped out to model and make me gush.  Note the hand to chin placement and adorable expression.  A natural poser, this one.  Heaven help us.


We have one craaaaay-cray week around these parts.  We’re pushing to get the family room finished– hoorah!  Wish us luck. There is much to be done, both on the room and with life in general.

Happy week!

Jen Signature photo JenSignature_zpse63747c4.jpg

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  1. Awesome Jen! I love a good repurpose project. The lights, and little miss adorable, look great!

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