All of the projects and deadlines and weight of the everyday caught up with me last week and I just needed a moment to catch my breath. Do you ever feel that way? We spent the weekend catching up on things we put on the back burner during the patio remodel and now that it’s done and thoroughly documented (get ready for a whole lotta posts and tutorials!), I’m starting to feel like I can focus on other parts of my life and our house I’ve been neglecting. But who am I kidding? I started three new projects over the weekend, and that’s just the beginning of what I have planned for the next couple weeks. #cantstopwontstop
Now that I don’t constantly have dirt tracking in from working in the backyard, I’ve been cleaning everything in sight. When I was a little girl, Saturday was chore day. Like all day Saturday. My father believed in teaching his daughters to work and clean the right way, which I’m grateful for, but I also felt like we rarely spent Saturdays enjoying time together as a family. I’ve been wanting to come up with an organized and efficient way to clean everyday for quite awhile, and finally came up with a schedule I like. I’ve been roughly doing this schedule for a while, but wanted a checklist to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. And so, I give you my daily cleaning schedule:
I’ve found that if I do a bit each day, usually after Ruby goes to sleep, I’m able to clean everything each week, live in an orderly and fresh home, and not feel overwhelmed each week.
I’ve also long had sort of sick fetish with soap. I love great smelling hand soap, shampoo, bar soap, and cleaning supplies. Today I’m sharing some of my current favorite cleaning supplies.
I use this countertop cleaner daily. Make that 5 times daily. It smells delicious and is so practical (not to mention environmentally friendly). My favorite scent is Basil, but all of the scents are lovely. I also love the surface scrub for quick daily sink scrubs.
For weekly kitchen and bathroom cleaning, I’ve always been a soft scrub with bleach girl. I just think it works the best on sinks and tubs.
Have you tried this Caldrea for Target hand soap and lotion? I have it next to every sink. It’s good stuff. I love the green tea verbena scent, but all of them are equally as smellicious.
I love this Woolite Dark laundry detergent, made for dark clothing, jeans, and the like. Keeps it from fading and smells great.
I’m always on the hunt for new soaps and cleaners. What are your favorites?
Superb post, Jen! It’s straight to the point and at the same time gives all one needs to know. Have you ever tried cleaning with household staples like vinegar or baking soda? If you need ideas, here is a great post with lots of recipes: