My little family spent the weekend in warmer weather, down south where the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and spring was in full force. We took Rubes on her first hike. She was quite the adventurer, as you can see. My girl turned 11 whole months on St. Patrick’s Day, and the day before, I started another year of my life. Where has the time gone? Her young life is passing much too quickly for my liking (and so is mine, for that matter).
There was much napping, too much eating, a whole lot of kissing baby cheeks (how can I resist?) and it didn’t last nearly long enough. Today, I’m taking a day to get caught up. Tomorrow, we’ll be back in action– watch for SISTER ACT posts!
Until then, I hope you’re having a lovely Monday!
sweet pics…i love getting the kids outside, so nice to get them hiking early
we cherish the outdoors with our little ones!
xo meredith
sooo sweet. I long for warmer weather – these last few days have been such a tease!