Accidents happen. When you hear that phrase so frequently, it almost takes away the weight of what really happened– the challenges and trials those affected by an accident of any kind face. And you never think it’s going to happen to you. That’s what Cody Walker thought. He was on top of the world– a […]
Accidents happen. When you hear that phrase so frequently, it almost takes away the weight of what really happened– the challenges and trials those affected by an accident of any kind face. And you never think it’s going to happen to you. That’s what Cody Walker thought. He was on top of the world– a […]
I had a different post planned for today, but in the wee hours of the morning as I was finishing things up, I learned the most saddening news about the sweet little boy of a dear friend of mine. After a short life on this earth, sweet little Paxton Norton has returned home to his […]
You can make a lot of plans. You can have big dreams and go after them with all your might but sometimes, there is just a different path for you. One you may not have dreamed for yourself but once you’re there, you can see that’s where you were meant to be all along. That’s […]
Mental illness: those two words carry a lot of weight. When you read them, you may think of a homeless man, talking to himself, without control over his emotions or actions. And sometimes that depiction is accurate. Sadly, many of America’s homeless population suffers from some kind of mental illness. Over the years, I have […]
There are those women who seem to have it all– sweet, successful, beautiful, mothers, and regularly look gorgeous doing it all. Then there’s everyone else. Interior and textile designer, Caitlin Wilson, is one of the former. But once you get to know her, you learn the balance in her life isn’t without a concerted effort. […]
Summer has been moving full speed ahead around here. We have all kinds of projects and ventures going on. Jon has been swamped at work, I am gearing up for the Wednesday’s Child telethon, and we’re renovating our rental duplex, Ruby is cutting all four molars (poor girl!) but we’ve still managed to squeeze in […]
Working from home isn’t for wussies. With an adventurous toddler at your ankles, a laptop balancing on your knees and Sesame Street playing in the background you try, unsuccessfully, to reply to a single email– even a simple sentence. And yet mother of two small girls, Briana Stewart isn’t just making it work, she’s making […]
“You’ve missed the boat,” he said flatly. At least it was as flat as his raspy, over-used, chronic smoker’s voice could express tone. “He” was my news director, a silver-mullet-headed, rail thin, straight out of the 70’s man with a constant half-eaten package of donut holes on his desk and a gross, re-used waterbottle in […]