
This post is from our Stagg Design project archives and originally posted in November 2015. We hope it gives you inspiration and some tips for tackling that next project! xx- Team Stagg I know many of you are mourning the loss of the gnome garden kitchen wallpaper, but today I’m going to console you with the reveal of […]

Client Reveal: Project Paint it All

Feb 22, 2020

This post is from our Stagg Design project archives and originally posted in November 2015. We hope it gives you inspiration and some tips for tackling that next project! xx- Team Stagg I know many of you are mourning the loss of the gnome garden kitchen wallpaper, but today I’m going to console you with the reveal of […]

Client Reveal: Project Paint it All



Hey, remember how we completely transformed #projectpaintitall by basically tearing out all the bad (including the gnome garden wallpaper) and then we made it into a modern, fresh, beautiful kitchen, dining, and family room space?  Today I’m getting into some of the design details. Warmth is key to a mostly white space and adding in some […]

Design Details for #projectpaintitall

Sometimes you walk into a home and the colors and floor plan are more than just needing an update– they’re downright offensive.  One such client and friend’s home fit this bill.  The home had a few big things going for it:  it was in a really great location, it was a pretty good price, and […]

Client Before: Project Paint it All


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