It was the sound of his voice that first attracted Lulu. A mysterious man on the other end of the phone, working for the same company in a different city. They would talk tech (he was the IT help desk man at the time) and she loved listening to him speak. So one Valentine’s night, […]
It was the sound of his voice that first attracted Lulu. A mysterious man on the other end of the phone, working for the same company in a different city. They would talk tech (he was the IT help desk man at the time) and she loved listening to him speak. So one Valentine’s night, […]
There are few forces more powerful than young love. The feeling of falling hard for the first time is not to be trifled with. And though it is true that love changes and evolves with age, I believe it’s possible to find true love at any age. That’s why I was so touched by the […]
I asked, and you answered. Your stories of love came pouring in, and I so loved reading them. They inspired me, made me laugh, made me tear up, and made me even more grateful for that man of mine. I can’t wait to share them with all of you! I’m kicking off the LOVE STORY […]
Me with my man, circa 2010, photo by Veronica Reeve Oh love. It often starts with that heart racing-soul soaring-twitterpated-thump-thumping then transforms into constant thoughts of you-can’t live without you-would do anything for you. It can take you to your highest high and your lowest low. Everyone deserves it, but not everyone finds it. I’m […]